The terms of use indicated here are an agreement between the user and Heavy Duty Air. Upon accessing and using this site/electronic media, the user acknowledges having read, understood and agrees to be bound by these terms and comply with all the laws and regulations applicable in United States territory. If the user does not agree with these terms, the company advises not using this website.


Heavy Duty Air is exempt of responsibility for direct, indirect, circumstantial and punitive damages arising from the use, or any other type of damage (including, but not being limited to damages of an economic nature, loss of profits, loss of revenue or loss of information) due to access or impossibility of access to this website, the subsites or interlinked sites, even though warned about the possibility of occurrence of such damages.

With the passage of time, between periods not defined, this website may contain technical inaccuracies or graphical errors, and Heavy Duty Air does not guarantee the accuracy of any information posted. The user shall confirm that the most updated pages of this website are being used, and confirm the accuracy and  integrity of the information before using it to take decisions related to the services, products or  other issues described on this website.


Heavy Duty Air can, without prior notice, at any moment, review these Terms of Use and any other information contained on this site, as well as make improvements or changes to the products, services, catalogs or general information described.

All the contents of this site and all the copyrights, trademarks and any other rights of intellectual property related to these contents belong to Heavy Duty Air or the owner of such contents.

No contents of this website can be used, copied, modified, translated, distributed or used without the prior authorization of Heavy Duty Air or the owners of such contents, except when expressly allowed by the applicable legislation. All the rights related to the contents which are not expressly granted by the present  instrument, are reserved. The use and registration of the name Heavy Duty Air are reserved exclusively to Heavy Duty Air.

The user shall not be able to record or use the name of the company, corporate name, trade name, name of domain or other name, indication or description of the name Heavy Duty Air or any other name similar to it or any name which is part of the name Heavy Duty Air, in particular. The images presented on the website and the format used for this site cannot be copied or used for personal purposes. The trademarks of Heavy Duty Air can only be used with the prior and express authorization in writing.

Heavy Duty Air reserves the right to add to, delete or modify these terms or the contents of this website, subsites or future landing pages at any moment without prior warning. Heavy Duty Air has the right to close the site or any area thereof for any reason, at any moment, without prior notification or permission. There is no responsibility or obligation concerning failure in the storage or exclusion of any contents and/or user’s contents placed on the website or stored therein.


The personal information provided or collected by means of/or related to this website will only be used in accordance with the Privacy Policy of Heavy Duty Air, the present document “Terms of Use” being subject to the Privacy Policy which is available on this site.


The information which Heavy Duty Air publishes on the Internet may contain references or cross references to products and services which are not announced or available in your country. Such references do not mean that Heavy Duty Air intends to announce or make available these products or services in the user’s country. The user shall ask the commercial contact of Heavy Duty Air of the region concerned or get in contact through the Customer Help Desk by means of the site of Heavy Duty Air.


Heavy Duty Air does not aim to receive confidential information or information protected by copyright of the user by browsing on the website.

Heavy Duty Air will not disclose the user’s name or publish the fact that the user has submitted materials or other information to the company, unless: (1) Heavy Duty Air obtains the user’s permission to use the user’s name; or (2) Heavy Duty Air first notifies the user that the materials or other information  submitted to a specific party of this site will be published or used with the user’s name in it; or (3) Heavy Duty Air is obliged to do so by law.


This site may provide links or references to Websites and resources which do not belong to Heavy Duty Air.

Heavy Duty Air does not make declarations, guarantees or other  commitments, endorsements or confirmations of any type concerning Websites or resources of third parties which may be referred to, accessible from/or linked to any  site of Heavy Duty Air.

Furthermore, Heavy Duty Air is not party to or responsible for any transactions which the user may make with third parties, even if the user knows such third parties (or uses a link to such third parties) from a site of Heavy Duty Air. Upon accessing a third party’s website, even though it contains the logotype of Heavy Duty Air, the customer understands that it is independent of Heavy Duty Air and that Heavy Duty Air does not control the contents of this website. It is the user’s duty to take precautions to be protected from virus, worms, Trojan horses and other potentially destructive programs and to protect the  information.


Heavy Duty Air only allows links and pages to be linked to this website which do not: create frames around any page of this site or use other techniques which  alter in some way the visual presentation or appearance of any contents on this site; (b) misrepresent the user’s relationship with Heavy Duty Air; (c) imply that Heavy Duty Air approves of or endorses the user, the website or services or  offers of the user’s products; and (d) present false or deceptive impressions about Heavy Duty Air or impair the good reputation associated with the name or trade names of Heavy Duty Air.

As an additional condition to have permission to be connected to this site, the user agrees that Heavy Duty Air can, at any time, as it exclusively defines, terminate the permission to be connected to this website. In this case, the user agrees to remove immediately all the links to this website and cease any use related to the trademarks of Heavy Duty Air.


Heavy Duty Air uses security procedures and technologies to protect its personal information against losses, theft and access, unauthorized amendments and use. However, it is necessary to alert that no security measure available on the market is totally secure.


The use of this site is exclusively at the user’s risk and expense. All the materials, information, products, software, programs and services are supplied on this site “in the state in which they are” without any guarantees or security. Heavy Duty Air. expressly does not offer, in the broadest extent allowed by law, any guarantee, or express or implicit declaration, established by law or otherwise, including, without limitation, guarantees of sale, suitability for a determined purpose, and non-infringement of copyright and rights of intellectual property. Without limitation, Heavy Duty Air does not offer the guarantee that this site will be uninterrupted, appropriate, secure or without errors. The user understands and agrees that if executing a download or obtaining materials, information, products, programs or services in another way from this website, it is done so at its own risk and that it shall be at its definition and risk and that it shall be solely responsible for any damages which may arise, including loss of data or damage to its computer system. Certain jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of guarantees, so the aforesaid exclusions may not apply to the user.

Enjoy your browsing.
Heavy Duty Air