Heavy Duty Air acknowledges the importance of personal data on the Internet and takes its privacy seriously. The protection of the information collected during the browsing, as well as the security of the Information Technology of Heavy Duty Air, is for the company a matter of great importance, being taken into consideration in its corporate processes. Regarding this matter, Heavy Duty Air wishes to maintain a policy of transparency, indicating how the users’ data can be collected or applied, also allowing that they authorize the use thereof. The company analyzes personal data, collected during the visit to this website, in a confidential way, and only as per the legal requirements.

When accessing this site and, having this information available, as well as the rights set forth herein, the user grants to Heavy Duty Air the right of use concerning the data collected and shared according to the purposes, conditions, and means expressed herein. For any request which the user may be interested in making regarding the data or information, request for amendment, cancellation, further information, among other items, it shall enter in contact by means of the Customer  Help Desk channel of the very site of Heavy Duty Air.

The Internet addresses of the users who visit the site are tracked and analyzed, observing trends and statistics, but the data traced does not include personal information. Thus, the user can visit this site without disclosing any personal data.

However, it should be pointed out that, if the user requires support, sales, or other information, it will be necessary to indicate its name and email address. The information provided will not be sold or supplied to any external organization for request purposes. The agents or contractors of Heavy Duty Air that have access to the personal information will only use the data to execute the services requested, through requirements indicated. Subject to agreement, Heavy Duty Air can use this information to maintain its awareness of new products, special offers, and updated information.

When using the services of Heavy Duty Air the user shares a countless amount of information. The statistical and generic analyses concerning user behavior can be shared with third parties, including advertisers. This is very important for the services to be improved and so that the user has a differentiated and customized online experience. Furthermore, upon knowing the privacy policy of the company, the user can contribute to the modulation of its experience on the sites in accordance with its choices of browsing.


Certain pages of the site sends “cookies” to the computers to optimize the user’s experience with customized information when returning to the website. The cookies are identifiers that include exclusive characters, but the personal data shall be provided to the website or it will not be possible to execute the identification safeguarding the anonymous profile of the entity accessing the website. Cookies are small text files, which will be saved on the computer.

Based upon these files, it can be known if the equipment has already communicated with this site. The reading of the cookies allows adjusting the site to facilitate the user’s browsing. On certain pages or sites of Heavy Duty Air contents and services of other providers (for example, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter) are integrated, which in turn can use active components and cookies. The company does not exercise any influence over the use of personal data by these providers.

Generally speaking, the cookies are categorized as “session” cookies or “persistent” cookies. Session cookies aid in browsing the website in an efficient way, maintaining control of the progress from page to page so that information already provided in the current visit will not be requested. The session cookies are stored in the temporary memory and deleted when the Web browser is closed. The persistent cookies, on the other hand, store the user’s preferences of the current and later visits. They are recorded on the hard disk of the device and remain valid after the reinitialization of the browser. This website makes use of persistent cookies, for example, to record the choice of language and localization of the country.

If the user opts to block, deactivate, or otherwise reject these cookies, certain pages of the site of Heavy Duty Air may not be displayed suitably or it will not be possible, for example, to use services of the website which require login.

If the user does not want its information of cookies to be associated with its visits to these pages or the use of these products, it shall configure the browser to deactivate cookies or deactivate the cookies in the product itself, respectively. If deactivating cookies, Web beacons and other technologies visits to these pages will still be detected, nevertheless, they will not be associated with the information in another way stored in cookies.


Furthermore, social media buttons of third parties can create logs of certain information, such as IP address, browser type and language, access time, Web addresses, forwarding site. If the user is connected to these social media sites, they can also link such information collected with user profile information on that site. Heavy Duty Air does not control these traceability technologies of third parties.

Regarding the customized advertising, if the user does not opt to disable cookies or browse in an anonymous way,  it will be directed to it due to products observed in visits to other sites. In this situation, if it is not in the user’s interest to receive it, it can disable the advertising banner, clicking on the icon located in its right corner. It should be borne in mind that only the customized advertising will contain this icon and the possibility of disabling it.

Most of the browsers can also be adjusted to send a notification, regarding the dispatch of cookies, allowing their reception to be refused. The user can disable the storage of data in two ways: disabling the cookies, which can limit the browsing; or executing anonymous browsing (the anonymous identifiers and cookies will be excluded after the visit to the site).


From time to time, Heavy Duty Air can also collect information concerning the users through other sources, such as lists of suppliers and partners of the company. In doing so, the suppliers will be requested to confirm the information which was acquired legally in order to obtain it and use it.

The information collected, directly or indirectly, can be combined to aid the company in improving its accuracy and integrality in a general way, and to customize the interactions with users. The information collected can aid in providing a customized experience on the site, such as providing content in which the user may be interested, making the browsing easier.

Personal information is obtained when the user sends information or an order (by means of this website or in another way). This information is used for the dispatch of emails, for example, what the user ordered or for administrative reasons (such as for communicating about changes made, for example, in this Privacy Policy).

If the user opts to not receive any more emails, the automatic dispatch can be canceled through the very email sent. Heavy Duty Air undertakes expressly to not collect or transfer to third parties any information which entails the personal identification of the user, except when expressly authorized thereby. “Personal Information” is information provided which identifies the user personally, including, for example, the full name, address, telephone, and email address.


The information provided to Heavy Duty Air, as well as the information collected concerning the user indirectly, can be used by Heavy Duty Air for marketing purposes. Nevertheless, before doing so, the company offers the user the opportunity of choosing if it wants its information to be used for this purpose. At any moment it is possible to opt to not receive marketing material of the company, following the instructions for canceling subscription included in each email received, mentioning the interest in contact by telephone or entering in contact directly by the link “Speak to us” of the site.


Heavy Duty Air does not display online advertising of third parties on its Websites but can advertise its products and services on Websites of third parties. Being familiar with the privacy policies of the network advertisers or operators of these Websites aids in understanding their practices related to advertising, including the types of information which can be collected concerning the navigation of the users on the  Internet.

The company can also act with certain third parties, in particular, in order to manage some of the advertising executed on other sites. These third parties can use cookies and Web beacons to collect information (such as the IP address) of browsing on the Website of Heavy Duty Air and other companies, to furnish adverts of Heavy Duty Air directed based upon their interests.


In order to allow the user to Interact with other Websites on which it has an account (such as Facebook and other social media sites) or to join communities on these sites, the company will provide links or applications of third parties which allow executing login, posting contents or taking part in communities. The company shall also be able to indicate general links to Websites other than Heavy Duty Air. The browsing of the user in these links and applications is subject to the privacy policies of third parties, and it is necessary to be familiar with these policies before using the links and applications. Heavy Duty Air is not responsible for the privacy practices or contents of these other Websites.


Heavy Duty Air can amend the Privacy Policy as of the moment that it deems it to be appropriate. If there is a substantial change in the way of using the users’ information, the company will notify them with a highlighted announcement on the site itself.

The sharing of data is a choice made by the user. The company points out that the user has the right to disable cookies before browsing, executing anonymous browsing, or also to opt-out of Heavy Duty Air at the moment deemed appropriate.

If there are any queries or questions related to the Privacy Policy, the company advises the users to enter in contact through the “Speak to us” channel of this site.

Enjoy your browsing.
Heavy Duty Air